The Bruin Democrats was chartered in 1979 as the official campus organization of the Democratic National Committee. It retains membership in both the Young Democrats of America and College Democrats of America. Despite constant changes in the government at all levels, the Bruin Democrats have continued to thrive, promoting the values of the Democratic Party and youth participation in government. Over the years, this club has sparked or increased interest in the political process amongst thousands of students on the UCLA campus. Many former club members have gone on to work in politics, both the private and public sector. The Bruin Democrats are proud to include many members of Congress, the State Assembly and City Council as former Bruin Democrats. The Honorable Howard Berman, Democratic Congressman from the 28th District of California, cites Bruin Democrats as the start of his political career. Over the years, the Bruin Democrats have been a visible and prominent group on the UCLA campus and beyond. The club has hosted numerous renowned politicians and celebrities. In October 2000, the Bruin Democrats held one of the largest rallies for Democratic Presidential Candidate, Al Gore; and in May 2003 the Bruin Democrats helped host Democratic Presidential Candidate John Kerry’s unveiling of his major foreign policy plan. In 2001, the Bruin Democrats won “Young Democrat Club of the Year” at the California Democratic Convention. |